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Center of Educational Resources and Training implements, between 02.05.2015 and 02.04.2016

Center of Educational Resources and Training
implements, between 02.05.2015 and 02.04.2016
Project: T.O.T “Transfer of Tools between Non-Formal and Formal”
financed by the European Commission, Erasmus +Program, together with partners:

TDM2000 Polska, Javni zavod za kulturo, mladino in sport Litija, United Societies of Balkans, Scambieuropei, KalpAnkara Egitim ve Genclik Merkezi Dernegi, Mladezhki inovatsi

T.C. is aiming to :
Raise with 112 the number and quality of European citizenship non-formal activities in the formal system by creating a network of 32 professional Youth Trainers –multipliers of non-formal education specialized in running after-school learning sessions for 3 months.
Widen the employability opportunities and abilities in practice for 32 participants from 8 countries as future youth trainers in formal institutions or youth centres.
Improve knowledge on planning, implementing and evaluating after school non-formal leaning programs for developing the sense of European citizenship for formal learners for 12 days;
Develope innovation and creativity in running non-formal curricula in formal institutions, especially on European citizenship using methods as: socio-animation, graphic facilitation, mind mapping, social media tools, storytelling for 12 days.
In short , we’ll prepare a group of trainers in European Citizenship topic (including HRs, intercultural learning, democratic values) empowered to run non-formal afterschool sessions focusing pupils’ civic behavior. Each of the 8 partners will have 4 representatives in the Network of Youth Trainers , each pair of 2 youth trainers will run one 7 session designed educational program in a local school
Here are the steps of the program:

1. Preparation :
- Open call launched on the 18th of May 2015 - candidates will submit online until 25th of May 2015;
- Sending associations selection – they will send the list of recruited participants by2 7th of May 2015;
- C.E.R.T association final selection of participants – published online in the facebook group of T.O.T. by 28th of May;
- Research on European citizenship content for pupils 12-18 y.o – selected participants will create together a complex adapted content uploaded on using TWINKLEPAD tool by 10th of June 2015.
2. Implementation
- TOT – 12 residential days- Craiova city, Romania – 1-13th of July 2015
3. Follow-up - transition from non-formal to formal
- Finalize in pairs of 2 the materials and designs for the 7sessions;communication and cooperation online in the new network using Fbook, intertwinkles, , and other web.2.0. tools. (dl 15th of August 2015)
- Find a host school and sign the contract of hosting the educational program- between 15th – 30th of September 2015
- Co-training of 7 European citizenship sessions – during 1st of October 2015 and 1st of February 2016.
- Self-assessment and reporting of the after school non-formal curricula – before 25th of February 2016.
Dissemination by participants:
- One demo session in front of at least 15 teachers in a school meeting where to use the intellectual outcomes of the project: the “Guide of Methods on European Citizenship for Schools – GuideME” by 30th of March 2016.
- Provide the 7 sessions of European citizenship education program design and materials +“GuideME”, “T.O.T.curricula”, “Network’s 7 sessions designs” in at least 3 social media/mass-media tools by 30th of March 2016.
- Self-proposed actions for disseminate “GuideME”, “T.O.T.curricula”, “Network’s 7 sessions designs” by 30th of March 2016
Dissemination by organizations: each sending association will disseminate the 3 main project’s results in 5 other NGOs, 10 schools and 1 university dealing with education; will upload the e-versions of the results on their social media tools and disseminate the results in 2 youth events on European level – by 30th of March 2016.

Evaluation of the project – before 30th of March 2016.

Intelectual outcomes of the project:
“Network’s 7 sessions designs”
“Guide of Methods on European Citizenship for Schools – GuideME” contains a collection of human rights, active participation, intercultural dialogue and diversity, peace and violence, culture and citizenship methods and activities
” European Citizenship in pupils hands “ – brochure

Coordonator proiect: Mariana Cismaru
Centre of Educational Resources Training
Tel : +40 0768827110; mail: ,

CERT Team,,

004 0768827110
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