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Vienna School of Art History

Deadline: Aug 31, 2015
Vienna School of Art History

What lies behind the idea of Vienna School of art history? Already in
2002 a conference held at the Institute of art history in Vienna raised
the question how much reality the concept contains. While the
conference mainly aimed a deconstruction of the Vienna School-topos and
concentrated on analyzing single protagonists, we would like to ask for
the formative power of the expression, the contexts, intersections,
patterns and communities it constructed.
In 1934 Julius von Schlosser created a monument of
“wissenschaftspropaganda” in his core text concerning the Vienna
School. It is out of question that Schlosser invented a tradition.
Nevertheless, the question is, in which form the invented tradition
became reality. The inclusions and exclusions, which Schlosser took in
his article are still intact until today.
Schlosser tells the institution history based on the biographies of the
(according to Schlosser’s opinion) most renowned protagonists since
1852 and its past history. The field of art history gets directly
linked to the location and to an idea of „German culture“. Once set,
the invented tradition offered normative requirements, how it was to be
continued. This was especially a question, the protagonists of the
so-called New Vienna School sought for, by dealing with both,
continuity and differentiation.
80 years later it is possible to analyze Schlosser’s reception in
retrospect. Papers might address – but are not limited to – the
following questions: What is the past history of Schlosser’s idea of
Vienna School of art history? How does Schlosser’s historiography work,
what does it include/exclude. Did protagonists subordinate themselves
under a concept of school? What means Vienna school of art history
Beyond that Neue kunstwissenschaftliche forschungen welcomes
off-topic-submissions from the fields of art history, visual arts and
especially interdisciplinary approaches dealing with art from
disciplines such as jurisprudence, economic sciences, engineering or
medicine. Possible subject areas are: medieval art; modern and
contemporary art; non-European, Byzantine, Austrian art and art theory.

Please upload papers directly to:
not later than 31 August 2015. Submissions should include an abstract
(max. 1000 characters, German and English) and a short CV.
Abstract-submissions are also possible until 30 June 2015. For
stylesheet and citation rules, please see: Papers can range from
15.000 – 30.000 characters and should contain 5 images at maximum.
Texts will be published in German and English.
Категория: Summer School | Просмотров: 1227 | Добавил: Admin | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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