Main » 2016 » February » 13 » Training, Biographic-Narrative Interpretive Method (BNIM), London

Training, Biographic-Narrative Interpretive Method (BNIM), London

How come social policy interventions so often (but not always) produce perverse consequences? The Biographic-Narrative Interpretive Method (BNIM) of open-narrative interviewing and psycho-societal interpretation of BNIM interview and other material is s method for understanding real-world action and personal experience. It has been used all over the world for over 15 years for both pure and applied research projects, exploring the life-worlds and life-histories of very many different categories of people and organisations. BNIM has been used to explore the histories and the practices of policy-makers, of social policy practitioners and social policy clients (actual and potential) both inside and outside relevant organisations. The 42nd BNIM 5-day training intensive takes place in London, starting on 31st March. The attached flyer gives more information. Do contact me if you would like to discuss BNIM further. A substantial free BNIM Quick Outline Sketch is also available.
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