21:35 Graduate Workshop "European History across boundaries", Leibniz Institute of European Histor | |
The workshop is open to projects that transcend the confines of the European nation-state from the 16th to the 20th century, including Europe’s relations with the world. Topics that aim to cross and reflect boundaries and borders are of particular interest. Projects can employ a variety of me-thodical approaches such as comparative studies, the study of transfer processes and entangle-ments, or the histoire croisée. Discussion at the workshop will be based on precirculated papers (max. 8,000 words, written in English, to be submitted in early September 2016). The papers should reflect on initial archival re-search and address the practical challenges of writing European history across boundaries and borders. The institute will provide accommodation for the duration of the workshop and contrib-ute to travel expenses within Europe. Proposals should include a short statement on the overall project and the analysed sources (500 words) plus a brief biographical note (including institutional affiliation, thesis supervisors, and contact details). They should be sent to Gregor Feindt – feindt@ieg-mainz.de – by no later than 15 April 2016. For any questions, please contact the organisers. http://www.hsozkult.de/event/id/termine-30138 | |
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