Main » 2016 » February » 16 » Workshop for emerging scholars, "Histories of Abstraction : Hans Hartung", Antibes

Workshop for emerging scholars, "Histories of Abstraction : Hans Hartung", Antibes

Call for papers: Workshop for Emerging Scholars
Histories of Abstraction : Hans Hartung
Location: Fondation Hartung-Bergman, Antibes
Dates: May 26-28th, 2016

The Fondation Hartung-Bergman, Antibes/France, launches a call for

papers for the participation in a Spring Workshop for emerging
scholars: post-doctoral candidates, PhD-students as well as graduate
students involved in a Master’s thesis.

With this CFP, we would like to address students and emerging
researchers currently working on Hans Hartung and his Œuvre.

However, we are also interested in including projects that are

concerned with Hartung in a broader sense: Such as his presence in a
wider context, comparisons, parallels, connections with other artists
(for example Wols, Soulages, de Staël, Ernst, Arp, Calder, Rothko) or
personalities of the art world (for instance critics, gallerists,
Researchers involved in other topics could also shed new light on
Hartung’s career and therefore be of interest to this seminar. A
non-exhaustive list of which could contain:

German artists’ migrations and exile in Paris in the 1930s
German artists’ exhibitions in France at the end of the 1930s
Travelling exhibitions organized by Allies in Europe after 1945
Popular education in Post-war France
Venice’s Biennale between 1945 and 1964
The Galerie de France (even Parisian galleries in general) between 1945
and 1960
Artists and Media between 1945 and 1990
The international institutional policy for abstract European art since
1950 (purchases, collections, exhibitions)
The American reception of European Artists in the 1970s
Historiography and discourse on the notions of Modernism and European
Modern Art since 1950.

Organized by Dr. Antje Kramer-Mallordy (associate professor at Rennes 2
University) and with the participation of other established scholars,
the workshop will combine sessions dedicated to the presentation of the
individual projects elaborated by the participants (20 min. each) with
sessions of in-depth discussion of archival material held at the

Fondation Hartung-Bergman. The outstanding collection of first hand
sources and works of art at the Fondation Hartung-Bergman represents a
unique opportunity for the candidates to enrich their ongoing research
and to open new scientific perspectives.

This workshop is part of an important program, based on the rediscovery
of Hans Hartung through his archives. It will be followed by an
International Conference in Fall 2016, hosted at the German Centre for
Art History in Paris (Deutsches Forum für Kunstgeschichte). The most
promising research contributed during this workshop may possibly be
presented at the Fall Conference.

The Fondation Hartung-Bergman will offer a mobility grant to the chosen
candidates. This grant will cover travel costs, meals and accommodation
(at the Foundation or at a nearby hotel).

To candidate:
Proposals should contain an abstract of the precise research project (2
pages max.), a detailed Curriculum Vitae, and if possible, one
publication or an excerpt from the thesis. They are to be submitted by
e-mail to Dr. Thomas Schlesser, Director of the Fondation
Deadline: March 15th, 2016.

Proposals and communications can be addressed in French, English or German.
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