21:45 PhD, Computer science (social media analysis and false identities detection), Finland | |
Doctoral student position in social media analysis and false identities detection The Department of Computer Science and Information Systems at the University of JyvŠskylŠ (https://www.jyu.fi/it/laitokset/cs/en/) invites applications for a full-time doctoral student position beginning March 15th 2016 or as agreed, contract length maximum of four years. The University of JyvŠskylŠ is located in Central Finland and is internationally known for its cross-disciplinary research and education. The Department of Computer Science and Information Systems (https://www.jyu.fi/it/laitokset/cs/en/) employs about 50 researchers, led by four professors. Faculty members of the department have published their research in leading journals in the field of Information Systems and Computer Science. Leading research directions at the department include Computer Science, Information Systems, and Cognitive Science. The successful candidate will join the Social Media Analysis (SoMeA) group, where the candidate is expected to work in a project, aimed at design and implementation of approaches and algorithms for detection of false identities in social media, and their manifestations such as crowdturfing. Successful applicants should have: 1. A completed MasterÕs degree, preferably in the field of Computer Science or Applied mathematics. 2. A good command of English language (written and spoken) 3. Programming skills in at least one programming language (C++/...) and two scripting languages (Python/JavaScript/Perl/PHP/...) 4. Experience in relational databases (PostgreSQL/MySQL) 5. Passion for research in database systems, algorithm design, machine learning, social media analysis, large scale data analysis and distributed and parallel computing. We offer: 1. Competitive salary up to 2.475,31 Û/month; In addition, a personal performance-based salary component amounting to the maximum of 46,3% of the job-specific salary component is also paid. 2. Excellent research infrastructure, contemporary and spacious offices, modern computers, large library with selection of books etc. 3. Comfortable and modern work environment in the University which is located in cultural and business centre of Central Finland. University offers large number of sport facilities, including gym inside IT faculty building. 4. International team of young and highly motivated colleagues. 5. Strong support for your personal development. Appointee is subject to a four-month trial period. The tasks of a Doctoral Student focus on research concerning doctoral thesis, doctoral studies, assisting teaching tasks and other tasks connected to these tasks. Besides MasterÕs degree, the candidate must have a permission for post-graduate studies in the University of JyvŠskylŠ, which must be applied with an application procedure from the IT faculty. For additional information please contact Postdoctoral researcher Alexander Semenov (alexander.v.semenov@jyu.fi) The application should include: 1) Application letter 2) Curriculum Vitae (CV) 3) Recommendation letters 4) Diplomas confirming academic degrees (MasterÕs degree), including academic transcripts. Please submit your application at latest on February 28, 2016 using the online application form. https://www.jyu.fi/en/news/current-vacancies | |
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