Main » 2016 » February » 19 » Conf. "Objects of Warfare: Presence &Representation", Munich

Conf. "Objects of Warfare: Presence &Representation", Munich

Munich, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, IBZ, 12. - 13.12.2016
Deadline: Mar 31, 2016

Objects of Warfare: Presence & Representation

December 12-13, 2016
Munich, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, IBZ

Interdisciplinary Conference of the Junior Research Group „Premodern
Objects. An Archaeology of Experience“ (Elite Network of Bavaria /
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich)

Today military objects such as helmets, suits of armor, swords, and
shields from the ancient world, the Middle Ages and the early modern
period comprise a considerable part of European craftwork. Furthermore,
they have served as extremely popular subjects in literature and the
fine arts since antiquity. The treatments of these artifacts in
literature and art cannot, however, be understood as straightforward
reflections of real-world objects and their materiality and use, but
rather we must take into account the more complex dynamic between
presence and representation in which such artifacts were historically
situated. In their pictorial and textual treatments, objects took on
new and unexpected applications and meanings through diverse processes
of recontextualization, idealization, and alienation.

The workshop will take a twofold approach to such processes of object
representation. First, it will examine the reception and transformation
of military objects in literature, while bearing in mind the inherent
laws of the narrative itself, in particular its capacity to act as a
creative space and to generate significance. In addition, it will
interrogate the artifacts and their imaginative depictions in
literature with regard to their exemplary nature for, as well as
modification through, the visual arts and art-theoretical writings. The
workshop’s dual perspective aims to facilitate productive dialogue
among the different disciplines of the arts and humanities that have to
date shown an increased interest in military objects, either as realia
or as textually and visually evoked objects. In particular, academics
of History, Literary Studies, and Art History are invited to voice
points of contact and difference within the traditions of premodern
military artifacts.

Scholars from these and related disciplines are invited to propose
contributions in German or English engaging with the outlined
questions. The contributions will be pre-circulated and discussed
during the workshop, rather than presented in the form of talks. A
publication of the papers is planned.
Please direct your submissions (500 word abstract) along with a short
biography by March 31, 2016 to and Travel and accomodation
expenses will be covered.

Romana Kaske M.A., Junior Research Group „Premodern Objects“, Institut
für Kunstgeschichte, LMU Munich
Dr. des. Julia Saviello, Junior Research Group „Premodern Objects“,
Institut für Kunstgeschichte, LMU Munich
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