Main » 2016 » March » 16 » Postdoctoral Research Position at the Database Systems and Information Management Group at TU Berlin

Postdoctoral Research Position at the Database Systems and Information Management Group at TU Berlin

The Data­base Sys­tems & Inform­a­tion Man­age­ment (DIMA) Group at Tech­nis­che Uni­ver­sität Ber­lin (TUB) invi­tes app­lic­a­tions for one Rese­arch Asso­ci­ate/Post­doc­toral pos­i­tion in BIG DATA ANA­LYT­ICS at the recently estab­lis­hed Ber­lin Big Data Cen­ter (BBDC), a focal point for big data rese­arch in Ger­many, lead by TUB and fun­ded be the Ger­man Fed­eral Min­istry of Edu­ca­tion and Rese­arch (BMBF).
Work­ing field:

At the BBDC, rese­arch­ers will con­cen­trate on meth­ods for mas­si­vely dis­trib­uted ana­lysis and pro­ces­sing of extre­mely large amounts of data. This grand effort will be con­duc­ted in cooper­a­tion with sev­eral local area rese­arch insti­tu­tions and ini­ti­at­ives, includ­ing the DFG fun­ded Stra­to­sphere Rese­arch Unit and the EIT (Euro­pean Insti­tute of Innov­a­tion and Tech­no­logy) net­work. The pri­mary rese­arch aim will be to deve­lop a declar­at­ive spe­cific­a­tion lan­guage for data ana­lysis (e.g., machine learn­ing, stat­ist­ical, sig­nal pro­ces­sing) meth­ods, as well as its exe­cu­tion and auto­matic optim­iz­a­tion in mas­si­vely dis­trib­uted com­put­ing envir­on­ments. Addi­tion­ally, rese­arch­ers will design a novel pro­gram­ming model based on con­cepts drawn from func­tio­nal pro­gram­ming, com­piler design, and data­base sys­tems. The pro­gram­ming model will enable users to deve­lop the most com­plex, data-intens­ive app­lic­a­tions in a dis­trib­uted and fault-tol­er­ant man­ner without sys­tems pro­gram­ming know­ledge and run on our plat­form. Ano­ther issue to be con­side­red is the effi­cient dis­tri­bu­tion of com­plex cal­cu­la­tions (e.g., invol­ving iter­a­tions and com­pu­ta­tions with dis­trib­uted state), as well as fault-tol­er­ance stra­te­gies for the exe­cu­tion of these com­pu­ta­tions. Fur­ther­more, the tech­no­lo­gies deve­l­o­ped under the aus­pices of the BBDC will be val­id­ated via prac­tical app­lic­a­tions. For example, in the fields of inform­a­tion mar­ket­pla­ces, life sci­ences, and mater­i­als sci­ence.

As a suc­cess­ful can­did­ate you should hold a uni­ver­sity degree (Mas­ter, Dip­lom or equi­val­ent) and a PhD in Data­base Sys­tems. Also expec­ted is the will­ing­ness to work in a lead­ing rese­arch area at the peak of tech­nical innov­a­tion, and an inte­rest in sys­tems devel­op­ment, in order to estab­lish rese­arch res­ults in prac­tical app­lic­a­tions. Ide­ally, app­lic­ants will be spezi­al­ized in the area of query pro­ces­sing and optim­iz­a­tion. Know­ledge of pro­gram­ming lan­gua­ges and com­pilers, dis­trib­uted sys­tems, pro­gram­ming lan­guage design, par­al­lel pro­gram­ming, and ben­mark­ing/sys­tem eval­u­ation are equally favor­able. These skills should be veri­fi­able (e.g., via pub­lic­a­tions). Advant­age­ous are also good know­ledge of Hadoop intern­als, MapRe­duce pro­gram­ming, and par­al­lel data­base imple­ment­a­tion. In addi­tion, pro­found know­ledge in the fields of math­em­at­ics, stat­ist­ics, ana­lyt­ics, and pro­ject man­age­ment are of major import­ance. A fur­ther require­ment is an excel­lent com­mand of the Eng­lish lan­guage.

Fur­ther inform­a­tion:
1. The DIMA Rese­arch Group,
2. Stra­to­sphere Pro­ject,
3. TU Ber­lin,
4. Euro­pean Insti­tute of Innov­a­tion & Tech­no­logy,
5. Prof. Vol­ker Markl,
How to ap­ply:

Please send your writ­ten applic­a­tion with the ref­er­ence num­ber and the usual doc­u­ments (in par­tic­u­lar CV, copies of PhD and Master´s degrees, list of academic publications with three representative examples, and a list of references with contact details) to Tech­nis­che Uni­versität Ber­lin - Der Präsid­ent - Fakultät IV, Institut für Softwaretechnik und Theoretische Informatik, DIMA, Prof. Dr. Markl, Sekr. EN 7, Einsteinufer 17, 10587 Berlin or via email (in a single PDF file) to

To ensure equal oppor­tu­nit­ies bet­ween women and men, app­li­ca­ti­ons by women with the requi­red qua­li­fi­ca­ti­ons are expli­citly desi­red.
Qua­li­fied indi­vi­du­als with disa­bi­li­ties will be favo­red.

Please send cop­ies only. Ori­gi­nal docu­ments will not be retur­ned.
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