Main » 2016 » March » 19 » PhD/Postodc, Computer science, Informatics Institute at the University of Amsterdam

PhD/Postodc, Computer science, Informatics Institute at the University of Amsterdam

Application deadlines: 5 March 2016 and 31 March 2016

The Informatics Institute at the University of Amsterdam is seeking to expand its world-class team in information retrieval. The team, with staff members Evangelos Kanoulas, Maarten Marx, Christof Monz, and Maarten de Rijke, five post-docs and 30 PhD students, is well-known for its work in evaluation, cross-lingual IR, semantic search, and learning to rank. Graduates and former postdocs of the team have found their way in academia, industry, and government across the globe. The team is funded by national and international science foundations, and through a large number of industrial collaborations, including Elsevier, Google, Microsoft, Yahoo and Yandex. In recent years it hosted the CLEF and ECIR conferences and in 2017 it will host the ACM ICTIR conference.

During 2016, 10 new members are expected to join the team. In a first round of recruiting we are seeking applicants for the following four positions:

- 2 PhD students in learning to rank for information retrieval (deadline: 31 March 2016) [1]
- 1 Postdoc in learning to rank for information retrieval (deadline: 31 March 2016) [2]
- 1 PhD student or Postdoc on citizen data science (deadline: 5 March 2016) [3]

If you want to apply for one of these positions, please follow the corresponding link and read the details about the application procedure.

The Netherlands has a number of strong and vibrant information retrieval groups, and counts about 150 information retrieval researchers, the largest number per capita worldwide. These groups are successfully engaged in both theoretical and practical work. They are young groups consisting of enthusiastic people, with a track record in high quality publications. The University of Amsterdam (UvA) has a rich history dating back to 1632. Today, with some 30,000 students, 5,000 staff, more than 100 nationalities and a budget of more than 600 million Euros, it is one of the largest comprehensive universities in Europe. The UvA ranks 55 in the QA World University Rankings 2015. The Informatics Institute consists of more than 40 members of research faculty, over 25 post-doctoral researchers, and about 100 PhD candidates. The institute was recently ranked among the top 40 computer science departments in the world by the QS World University Computer Science Rankings.

Amsterdam is a lively and beautiful city with a central location in Europe. It is also a very international city where almost everybody speaks English, candidates need not be afraid of the language barrier.

If you have any questions about these vacancies or would like to know more about joining our team, please contact one us,

Evangelos Kanoulas (
Maarten Marx (
Christof Monz (
Maarten de Rijke (

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