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Homotopy Type Theory in Logic, Metaphysics and Philosophy of Physics University of Bristol

Homotopy Type Theory in Logic, Metaphysics and Philosophy of Physics

University of Bristol
13-15 September 2016

Homotopy Type Theory is a new foundational programme in mathematics that is radically different from standard set-theoretic foundations, both because it uses constructive rather than classical logic, and because it is intensional rather than extensional in character.

This will be the closing conference of the Leverhulme Trust project Applying Homotopy Type Theory in Logic, Metaphysics, and Philosophy of Physics.

We invite submissions that either directly address HoTT or that concern the proper mathematical representation of physical theories, even if not directly about HoTT.
We will also consider papers on the use of intensional systems in logic and metaphysics, as well as papers critical of HoTT and/or defending standard foundational programmes.

Confirmed participants
Steve Awodey (Carnegie Mellon)
Eleanor Knox (King's College London)
James Ladyman (Bristol)
Hannes Leitgeb (MCMP/LMU Munich)
Øystein Linnebo (Oslo)
Paige North (Cambridge)
Richard Pettigrew (Bristol)
Stuart Presnell (Bristol)
Urs Schreiber (Czech Academy of the Sciences)
Jim Weatherall (UC Irvine)

Call for abstracts
We invite submissions for 40-50 minute presentations (roughly). Each talk will be followed by 15-20 minute discussion. Submissions should take the form of abstracts of up to 300 words, prepared for blind review.
Contact details – author's names, postal address, affiliation, phone number and email address – should be given separately. Submissions should be sent as email attachments to and by April 30th, with the subject 'HoTT conference abstract'.

Please email Giulia Terzian in order to register for the conference. Attendance will be free, but for organizational purposes we ask that you register by August 15th.

Practical information
We hope to be able to offer travel subsidies to graduate students and unwaged junior researchers whose papers are accepted for the conference.
More detailed practical information will be posted in due course.

Local organizers/points of contact
James Ladyman
Stuart Presnell
Giulia Terzian

Key dates
Abstract deadline: April 30th
Acceptance notification: May 30th
Registration deadline: August 15th
Conference: September 13-15th

Dr Giulia Terzian

Research Associate

Department of Philosophy
University of Bristol
Cotham House
Bristol BS6 6JL
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