Main » 2016 » March » 25 » 1-day Conf. on Care and Carers in Education, Univ. of Roehampton

1-day Conf. on Care and Carers in Education, Univ. of Roehampton

The deadline to submit an abstract for the one-day conference on care
and carers in education (University of Roehampton, London, UK, 5th
September 2016) has been extended to *31st March 2016*.

To access the call, please go

Your proposal for an individual paper or a symposium should be sent
Booking will open in April, once participants have been notified about
the outcomes of the reviewing process.

This event is co-organised by RISE (Research in Inequalities,
Societies and Education), University of Roehampton, UK, and by CEEHE
(Centre of Excellence for Equity in Higher Education), University of
Newcastle, Australia, with the support of the School of Education,
University of Roehampton.

We hope that you will be able to submit an abstract and look forward
to hearing from you!

Best wishes

Marie-Pierre Moreau (RISE) and Sara C. Motta (CEEHE)
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