Main » 2016 » March » 25 » Workshop: 'Eruptions of New First World War Memories' at the University of Copenhagen

Workshop: 'Eruptions of New First World War Memories' at the University of Copenhagen

Workshop: 'Eruptions of New First World War Memories' at the
University of Copenhagen,

9-10 June 2016.

This workshop is the first in a series of exploratory workshops on the
theme New First World War Memories –tectonics of memory in Europe,
aiming to study the intense commemoration activities which have been
catalysed across Europe by the First World War centenary. These
accelerated memory practices and virtual “eruptions” of memory
highlight the fact that the war is remembered very differently across
Europe. In the workshops, we seek to investigate both traditions and
dynamics of First World War remembering through the concept of
tectonics of memory, that is, the dynamics and collisions of memory

The first two-day workshop will focus on eruptions of new First World
War memory. Through a series of paper presentations, we will study and
compare the characteristic elements of such newly erupting war
memories across Europe, in the former Soviet region, the Yugoslav
region, and the UK, Ireland, France and elsewhere. We will pay
particular attention to the types of memory narratives created, who
creates them, and through which types of media. Priority will be given
to discussing and comparing cases with the aim to develop new insights
into the dynamics of memory eruptions.

We welcome suggestions for papers presenting examples of memory
eruptions in connection to the First World War centenary throughout
Europe. Please send an abstract of no more than 250 words to Ismar
Dedović ( and Tea Sindbæk Andersen (
by the 21st of March. Please add a brief cv as well as contact details
and academic affiliation.

As this workshop series is kindly supported by the Nordic research
network programme NOS-HS, we are able to cover travel and
accommodation expenses for a limited number of participants giving
papers. Please state clearly if your participation is dependent on
reimbursement of such expenses
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