Main » 2016 » April » 10 » Master in Advanced European and International Studies 2016/17, Nice-Tunis-Istanbul

Master in Advanced European and International Studies 2016/17, Nice-Tunis-Istanbul

Master in Advanced European and International Studies 2016/17
The Mediterranean branch
Apply now!

The Institut européen·European Institute (IE·EI), an international teaching and research institute in Nice, invites graduate students to apply for the Mediterranean branch of its renowned “Master in Advanced European and International Studies” (MAEIS).

The MAEIS is an international, interdisciplinary and itinerant programme, which aims to educate the next generation of Euro-Mediterranean decision-makers. It offers an overarching, comprehensive view of the political, social, economic, and cultural problems of today´s modern world. Academics from various countries and disciplines teach this programme, as well as experts from research institutions and practitioners from European and Mediterranean organisations. They offer a multi-faceted, interdisciplinary analysis of this “liquid continent” in times of globalisation.

Faithful to the slogan “Learning and living the Mediterranean”, the participants rotate each trimester, studying in three different cities over the academic year.

Courses take place in:

NICE, France (October to December),
TUNIS, Tunisia (January to March) and
ISTANBUL, Turkey (April to July)

Working languages are English and French.
Additional Arab language courses are provided for non-Arab speakers.

Duration: October 2016 to July 2017.

Study Modules: Conflict Management and Peace Making, Sustainable Development and Climate Action, Regional Integration and Transformation, Mediterranean Politics and Societies.
Courses on Project Management, Negotiation Skills and Intercultural Communication provide students with relevant competences for the job market.

The programme is organised in cooperation with our partners, Istanbul Bilgi University and the Université internationale de Tunis (UIT).

A limited number of fellowships for living expenses are awarded to particularly qualified candidates from Maghreb countries.

Deadline for applications: 15 June 2016.
The programme at a glance:

For further information please consult or write to

The IE·EI is a department of CIFE - one out of six institutes of higher education in Europe which receive special funding by the European Commission. CIFE’s President is Philippe Maystadt. CIFE’s Honorary President is Jean-Claude Juncker.

Tobias Bütow
Director «Euro-Mediterranean Studies»

Centre international de formation européenne (CIFE)
Institut européen·European Institute (IE·EI)
81, rue de France
F-06000 Nice -
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