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First Workshop of the UACES Collaborative Research Network on “Europe and the Everyday (EUEve)”

First Workshop of the UACES Collaborative Research Network on “Europe and the Everyday (EUEve)”

Workshop Theme: Researching Europe and the Everyday

We are pleased to announce that the call for papers for the first workshop of the UACES collabor​ative network on “Europe and the Everyday (EUEve)” is now open. The theme of our first workshop is “Researching Europe and the Everyday” and we invite paper proposals from PhD students, early career researchers and senior academics. Europe has an impact on all of us. It affects the quality of our drinking water, our working rights and the currencies we use in different countries. Yet, more recently Europe and the European Union (EU) in particular, have been in crises. The Euro-crisis has affected Greece substantially, but other countries have also implemented austerity programmes as a result of the world-wide financial crisis. The current refugee crisis is a massive challenge for the EU and its Member States. In addition, discussions about British membership in the EU have also contributed to a sense of crisis and a feeling that Europe and the EU are at a crossroads.

In our first workshop, we want to look at how the experience of Europe, crisis and changing and challenging times affects people, places, states, institutions, societies, and discourses. We are interested in the discussion of different approaches on how to study Europe’s impact, how to conceptualise ideas of crisis and change within Europe and the EU and how to develop new research frameworks that address questions of inter-connectedness and inter-disciplinary. We invite single case studies on specific countries, people, places, institutions etc. and how they have been affected by Europe and the current crises, as well as comparative studies. Questions that could be addressed (but are not exclusive) include:

1) How can we research the impact of Europe and the EU on everyday experiences of people, states, institutions and discourses?

2) How have the current crises in Europe affected our understanding of what Europe and the EU is and how can we capture changing understandings of Europe in a research agenda?

3) What conceptual frameworks allow us to study the discourses on crises and change in different EU Member States and among different groups of people?

The organisers are considering different publication options for papers presented at the workshop.

The workshop will take place on the 20th of September 2016 at Aston University in Birmingham. Reasonable travel and accommodation expenses for PhD students will be covered, where applicable. We may also be able to refund some travel expenses for other participants such as hourly-paid and unemployed academics that want to participate in the conference.

Please send an abstract of no more than 300 words and a short biography or no more than 500 words (including your full contact details and affiliation)

The deadline for applications is the 15 April 2016.

For more information on the UACES CRN on “Europe and the Everyday (EUEve)” please see:

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