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Paris School of Economics (PSE) Summer School

Paris School of Economics (PSE) Summer School
Applications are open till May 27

June 27 to July 8, Paris

The PSE Summer School offers research-oriented teaching by leading experts in their fields. From June 27 to July 8, it seeks to gather Master and PhD students, post-doctoral students, academics, and professionals. PSE proposes four intensive one-week programmes, each being a full-time mix of coherent courses on topical issues, taught by PSE professors.

SUMMER SCHOOL DETAILS: All information about curriculum, tuition fees, requirements, are available in the following pages along with a downloadable brochure "PSE Summer School 2016" (pdf, 41 pages, in English):

APPLICATION PROCEDURE: On candidates can apply continuously till the final deadline, which is Friday May the 27th, 2016*. Each application will be reviewed by the programme supervisor(s) within 15 days afterwards. Once accepted, the candidate will have then 15 days to pay the total fees and therefore validate her/his participation.
*We advise you not to wait until the last moment. Applications will be reviewed continuously: if the maximum number of participants is exceeded, applicants will be put on the wait list.

For more information: read the dedicated page "How to apply to the 2016 PSE Summer School at:

PROGRAMS: (4 programmes in 2 weeks):

DEVELOPMENT - "Inequality, social interactions and institutional dynamics in development"
27th of June to 1st of July 2016
Institutions and social frictions - associated with inequalities, political conflicts, cultural polarization, and migration - have emerged as central themes in development economics. Based on both formal theory and rigorous empirical research, this programme draws the outlines of the current research frontier.
- Professors: Francois Bourguignon, Thierry Verdier, Hillel Rapoport, Denis Cogneau and Oliver Vanden Eynde
- Programme supervisor: Oliver Vanden Eynde

MICROECONOMETRICS - "Policy Evaluation"
27th of June to 1st of July 2016
This programme presents recent developments in the microeconomic analysis of impact evaluation. Providing a credible estimation of a causal effect has become a standard in economic analysis, both in research papers and policy reports. But it is also equally important to integrate the estimated effects into economic models, in order to improve the design of policies. Professors will propose a comprehensive approach of policy analysis.
- Professors: Luc Behaghel, Margherita Comola and David Margolis
- Programme supervisor: Gabrielle Fack

4th of July to 8th of July 2016
Three main topics are addressed in this programme: competition policy (exchange of information between competitors, empirical techniques), the economics of platforms, and consumers search. These subjects are currently at the core of the liveliest debates among academics and practitioners in Industrial Organization. Professors will present the most recent developments of the empirical and theoretical academic literature.
- Professors: Bernard Caillaud, Philippe Gagnepain, Regis Renault and David Spector
- Programme supervisors: Philippe Gagnepain and Jean-Philippe Tropeano

MACROECONOMICS - "Macroeconomics useful for Policy"
4th of July to 8th of July 2016
This program tackles topics at the frontier of policy-relevant research: recessions and liquidity traps; crises and bubbles; heterogeneity, financial frictions and unemployment; and international linkages. It includes a quantitative module, consisting of hands-on applications of state-of-the-art techniques relevant for solving the models discussed in class.
- Professors: Florin Bilbiie, Jean Imbs, Xavier Ragot, Romain Ranciere and Gilles Saint-Paul
- Programme supervisor: Florin Bilbiie
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