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Master in Global Energy Transition and Governance

New programme: Master in Global Energy Transition and Governance 2016/17
Apply now!

The Institut européen·European Institute (IE·EI), an international teaching and research institute in Nice, invites graduate students to apply for the newly created Master in Global Energy Transition and Governance 2016/17.
The Master’s programme aims to give a deep understanding of the complexity of the current energy transformations in Europe and worldwide. The programme offers a unique, multidisciplinary approach which distinguishes it from other Master’s courses in the field of energy studies: It analyses the links between the different levels of energy governance, from an international to a local level, offering problem-focused learning at the crossroads of theory and practice.

Consistent with the itinerant concept of the Master’s, the participants of this programme study in two different cities over the academic year.

Courses take place in: NICE and BERLIN
Working language is English.
Duration: October 2016 to September 2017.
Study Modules: international energy governance, economic energy governance, European energy governance, energy and territories, methodology modules.
The programme is organised in cooperation with our partner, the Institute für Europäische Politik in Berlin.

A limited number of scholarships are awarded to particularly qualified candidates to cover some of the costs for their studies and/or their accommodation.

Deadline for applications: 1st July 2016. After this date applications may still be considered by waiting list.
The programme at a glance:

For further information please consult or write to

The IE·EI is a department of CIFE - one out of six institutes of higher education in Europe which receive a special subvention by the European Commission.
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