Main » 2016 » August » 5 » PhD studentship on integrated quantum photonics, Netherlands

PhD studentship on integrated quantum photonics, Netherlands

The Photonics and Semiconductor Nanophysics group at the Eindhoven University of Technology (The Netherlands, has an open PhD student position on integrated quantum photonics. Background Quantum information processing enables new paradigms for computing and communication, leading for example to new algorithms for solving problems which are computationally difficult (quantum computing and quantum simulation) and to physically-secure quantum cryptography. Photons are one of the preferred physical implementations of quantum bits, due to the long propagation distance, and quantum gates operating with photons are being investigated. Scalability to large photon numbers is however required for practical applications. Our group is investigating integrated quantum photonic networks where single photons are produced, manipulated and detected on a chip. In this framework we have developed a unique single-photon source [1], consisting of a single quantum dot coupled to a photonic crystal cavity, where both the quantum dot and the cavity can be electrically tuned. This allows bringing several cavity-enhanced quantum emitters in resonance with each other, potentially resulting in photon-mediated emitter-emitter interaction. Project description The selected candidate will perform fundamental research at the interface between nanophotonics and quantum optics. He/she will conceive and fabricate solid-state nanophotonic devices and small optical circuits operating at the single-photon level, and investigate the quantum optical photon-emitter and photon-photon interactions in view of their application to quantum information protocols. Some examples include quantum interference of two or more single photons on a chip, optical switching at the single-photon level, and sub- and super-radiance in multiple-emitter systems. The project, supervised by Prof. A. Fiore, is expected to bring breakthroughs in photonic quantum information processing, an area of major relevance for the European research agenda [2]. References: [1] M. Petruzzella et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 107, 141109 (2015) [2] Job requirements We welcome applications from candidates with a Master degree in physics with top marks and with a background and interest in optics or photonics. Candidates must prove a strong attitude towards experimental physics and the drive and capacity to tackle different aspects of a complex problem with large independence. Conditions of employment We offer a full time appointment for four years, a gross monthly salary from €2174 (first year) to €2779 (fourth year) in line with the Collective Agreement for Dutch Universities and an attractive package of fringe benefits, including end-of-year allowance, a personal development program for PhD students (Proof program), and excellent sport facilities. Further Information Application Deadline : 1 October 2016
Категория: Scholarships | Просмотров: 582 | Добавил: VahagnSargsyan | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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