Main » 2016 » August » 13 » Conf, "Household Resilience and Crisis in Europe, Berlin

Conf, "Household Resilience and Crisis in Europe, Berlin

Household Resilience and Crisis in Europe RESCuE Project Conference, January 18th, 2017, WZB – Berlin Social Science Centre, Germany: Since 2008, Europe has been shaken by an ongoing economic crisis that has exposed the weaknesses of poverty research, antipoverty policies and the activation paradigm. The crisis has then led to increasing poverty in several European countries significantly threatening social cohesion in the most directly affected countries and solidarity within the European Union. Nevertheless, it has become apparent that when populations are exposed to critical social, economic and cultural changes, some individuals or families are able to survive better than others – even though they experience the same living conditions – developing forms of resilience which protect them better from suffering and harm, and support sustainable patterns of coping and adaption. The interest in crisis, hardship and resilience is currently even more important under the new conditions of increased refugee flows, alongside forces of political disintegration within the EU. Resilience, especially when applied to empirical social sciences and studies of socioeconomic crises and poverty, is a relatively new concept that will benefit from in-depth debate on its theoretical, conceptual, operational and empirical elements. This conference will focus on theoretical considerations and empirical findings on issues including resilience, migration and refugees, community and urban resilience, resilient practices of low-income, working-poor, unemployed and other vulnerable persons and households, in addition to serving as a platform to disseminate the findings from the RESCuE-project, showing socioeconomic and cultural practices of resilient families under adverse conditions in nine European countries. We also welcome other contributions such as ecological aspects of resilience and collective resilience to public violence. A flyer with more information on the conference, keynote speakers, etc. is available here - download/cfp2017.pdf There is no conference fee, but places are limited, so please indicate your interest as early as possible. Abstracts should be no longer than 150 words. The best abstracts will receive a travel support grant of up to EUR 300. The abstract deadline is October 17th, 2016. The registration deadline is November 15th, 2016. To register for the conference and/or submit an abstract, please email Best wishes, Matthew -- Dr. Matthew Donoghue Research Fellow – RESCuE Latest articles: Forthcoming 2016 – Narratives of Hardship: The New and Old Poor in the aftermath of the 2008 crisis in Europe. Sociological Review Cohesion as ‘Common Sense’: Everyday Narratives of Community and Cohesion in New Labour’s Britain. Politics. Available (FREE!) here Resilience, Hardship and Social Conditions, Journal of Social Policy. Available here
Категория: Scholarships | Просмотров: 559 | Добавил: VahagnSargsyan | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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