Main » 2016 » August » 13 » PhD position in the NWO RATE Analytics project, Netherlands

PhD position in the NWO RATE Analytics project, Netherlands

PhD position in the NWO RATE Analytics project: Next generation predictive analytics for data-driven banking and insurance (V32.2670). In the context of the joint research project between TU Eindhoven, Tilburg University, Rabobank and Achmea we have one 4-year PhD student (V32.2670) and one 3-year Postdoc (V32.2672) open positions at the Department of Computer Science, TU Eindhoven.
Banks and insurance companies try to make use of increasingly large volumes of customer-related data as new in-house and external data sources become available for analysis. The overall goal of this project is to develop foundations and techniques for next generation big data analytics, facilitating the development of a wide range of applications in banking and insurance. including, but not limited to, intrusion detection, transactions and insurance fraud detection, loan default prediction, prediction of extreme (health-insurance) claims, and data-driven product development.
In algorithms and use cases to be studied, the overarching theme is to efficiently combine (large amounts of) data and expert knowledge, where the (economic) cost of the former is rapidly decreasing and the cost of the latter increasing. We, therefore, focus on the expert in the loop, or the expert-algorithm interaction to define what a ‘good’ algorithm is. We bring three major data-science expertise areas into this multidisciplinary project: predictive analytics, modern statistics, and visual analytics.
The joint NWO-funded project of TU Eindhoven, Tilburg University, Rabobank and Achmea is led by prof. dr. Mykola Pechenizkiy (predictive analytics), prof. dr. Bas Werker (financial statistics and econometrics) and prof. dr. Jack van Wijk (visualization). The project includes two postdocs and two PhDs. One postdoc and one PhD focusing on the predictive analytics with the expert-in-the-loop will join the Department of Computer Science, Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). The other postdoc and PhD focusing on modern big data statistics will join Tilburg University. Several opportunities for collaboration are envisioned. Both Postdocs and PhDs will closely collaborate and spend significant time within the Data Science teams of Rabobank and Achmea.
Job requirements
We are looking for candidates that meet the following requirements:
a solid background in Computer Science with specialization in data science, data mining, machine learning, visual analytics, visualization or related areas (demonstrated by a relevant Master);
have a strong interest in data science research;
have data mining software development skills at least in one language, e.g. R, Python, Java;
have experience with the development of interactive computer graphics and/or data visualization applications;
good communication skills in English, both in speaking and in writing (candidates from non-Dutch or non-English speaking countries should be prepared to prove their English language skills);
good communication skills in Dutch is a plus;
capability and willingness to work both independently and in a team of data scientists and interact with domain experts; being highly motivated, rigorous, and disciplined;
being enthusiastic about working on the changing use cases in banking and insurance.
PhD students are expected to:
perform scientific research in the domain described
collaborate with other researchers in this project
present results at leading international conferences in the field
publish results in scientific journals
participate in activities of the group and department, at both sites
participate in doctoral training on relevant topics
be willing to work at two locations (TU/e campus in Eindhoven and Rabobank and Achmea in Zeist/Utrecht)
transfer knowledge to internal specialists at Rabobank and Achmea and assist in guiding (project-related) MSc graduation projects.
Conditions of employment
Conditions of employment
We offer:
A full time temporary appointment for a period of 4 years, with an intermediate evaluation after 9 months;
A gross salary of €2.174 per month in the first year increasing up to €2.779 in the fourth year;
Tight collaboration of academia with industry with access to real data and domain expertise.
Strong collaboration ties with several research groups in Europe and world-wide.
Healthy travel funding for presenting your work at the leading conferences and going on visiting research.
Support for your personal development and career planning including courses, summer schools, conference visits etc.;
A broad package of fringe benefits, e.g. excellent technical infrastructure, child daycare and excellent sports facilities, extra holiday allowance (8%, May), and end-of-year bonus (8.3%, December).
Further Information
Application Deadline : 21 October 2016
Категория: Scholarships | Просмотров: 515 | Добавил: VahagnSargsyan | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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