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Special issue in Hungarian Historical Review, "Migration and Refugees in the Balkans and East Central

Call for journal articles (Hungarian Historical Review - issue 2017/3)

Migration and Refugees in the Balkans and East Central Europe between
the Fifteenth and Twentieth Centuries

The Hungarian Historical Review invites submissions for its third
issue in 2017, the theme of which will be “Migration and Refugees in
the Balkans and East Central Europe”

The deadline for the submission of abstracts: September 30, 2016.

Special Editors: Ulf Brunnbauer & Gábor Demeter

Migration and refugee flight have always been key phenomena in the
Balkans and East Central Europe, shaping both the ethnic-religious
character of the region and its social and economic structures. Some
of the consequences of population movement are obvious, such as ethnic
diversity or ethnic homogeneity, and movements of peoples have often
been a cause or at least a pretext for tensions and political
divisions in the region. Other consequences are less immediately
apparent, including the contributions of migration to the economic
development of the region. One of the key aims of this thematic issue
is to draw attention to these less frequently emphasized effects of
migration and population movement from a longue durée perspective
(increased economic potential, contributions to social and cultural
innovation, facilitation of the division of labor, as well as the
complexities of the processes of

Economic considerations are relevant, but other phenomena related to
migration, such as the motives for mass migrations from micro and
macro perspective, the religious and social composition of migrant
groups, and the perceptions of migrants and refugees among the
majority populations also merit examination. The goals of migrant
groups, the problems that arise because of population movement, and
the ideas of decision-makers concerning the ways in which to address
these problems should also be taken into consideration in order to
reveal interactions among different groups of agents.

Another key topic is the processes of integration into the
socio-economic system. The questions one might consider include:

- what cultural-economic-political niches did migrants and refugees fill;
- how was the preservation of migrant culture promoted, or how did
government policies focus instead on diminishing differences and
promoting assimilation;
- to what extent did population movement (migration/refugees)
contribute to changes in the ruling elites or in economic systems;
- how were different groups of newcomers dealt with by governments.

We welcome articles on both spontaneous and forced, internal (within a
country) and interregional (within for instance the Balkans or Central
Europe), and international migration (also from a micro perspective),
as well as shifts that were sudden or slow.

We welcome case studies, studies based on also on comparative
approaches, and studies that offer overviews of a topic or perspective
of inquiry, such as studies in microhistory, longue durée, temporal or
spatial comparisons (for instance perceptions of refugees and
migrants, shifts in the policies of a given state or nation concerning
migrants over the course of centuries, differences in the attitudes of
several countries regarding the same migrant group), etc. Differences
in behavior and the immigration culture of homogeneous and
heterogeneous host nations could also be considered.

We invite the submission of abstracts on the questions and topics raised above.
Please send an abstract of no more than 500 words and a short
biographical sketch with a selected list of the author’s five most
important publications (we do not accept full CVs).
The editors will ask the authors of selected papers (max. 10,000
words) to submit their final articles no later than January 31, 2017.
The articles will be published after a peer-review process.
We provide proofreading for contributors who are not native speakers of English.
All articles must conform to our submission
guidelines: .

The deadline for the submission of abstracts: September 30, 2016.
Proposals should be submitted by email:

The Hungarian Historical Review is a peer-reviewed international
quarterly of the social sciences and humanities the geographical focus
of which is Hungary and East-Central Europe.
For additional information, including submission guidelines, please
visit the journal’s website:
Категория: Scholarships | Просмотров: 448 | Добавил: VahagnSargsyan | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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