Main » 2016 » August » 20 » EVS volunteers from Germany, Spain, Italy and Turkey, come in MWL in Romania

EVS volunteers from Germany, Spain, Italy and Turkey, come in MWL in Romania

If you have between 18-30 years and you want to take an international opportunity of volunteering in European Voluntary Service with all what covers ERASMUS+ (food, pocket money, travel, accommodation, transport etc.) motivated by teaching the local community your mother tongue language using non-formal methods, then apply for this project called ''Meetings with languages'' . It's the third stage now and we are recruiting volunteers from :


Deadline: 26.08.2016
For the ones who are interested and want to apply :

CV in EUROPASS format - in English language

- Creative motivation in which You specify:

a). the way of engagement in activities

b). what you want to take from the project and what you want to learn, how you will use home the competencies achieved during the stage

c). how you see your activity, how you can describe a week

d). the stage period preferred and why.

How to apply and more details -
Категория: EVS | Просмотров: 635 | Добавил: VahagnSargsyan | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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