Main » 2016 » August » 20 » 10th Hungarian Political Geographical Conference, Budapest

10th Hungarian Political Geographical Conference, Budapest

10th Hungarian Political Geographical Conference
The Islam and Central Europe – Geopolitics and Migration
20-21st October 2016. Budapest
Dear Colleagues,

Let us invite You once again to the 10th Hungarian Political Geographical Conference which is to be held between 20th and 21st October 2016 in Budapest.

Let us report you the following news, which have happened since the first circular:
The list of the international keynote speakers has been finalized. The three lectures is to be held by Maria Paradiso (University of Sannio in Benevento, chair of IGU COMB), John O’Loughlin (University of Colorado), and Vladimir Streletsky (Russian Academy of Sciences). The deadline for registration and abstract submission has been moved to Monday 12th September 2016, so you still have plenty of time to register.

Just send your invoice details (invoice name and address) and your abstract via email to Reményi Péter (
The conference venue is Budapest, Moha Ház (1143 Budapest, Gizella str. 42-44.). The registration fee is 70 EUR.

You have to transfer the amount to the following bank account:

Account holder: Magyar Földrajzi Társaság (Hungarian Geographical Society)
Account holder's address: Budaörsi út 43-45., 1112 Budapest, Hungary
Bank name: MKB BANK Zrt.
Bank address: Váci utca 38, 1056 Budapest, Hungary
IBAN: HU26 1030 0002 1058 5823 4902 0014
Swift (BIC) code: MKKBHUHB

on behalf of the Organizing Committee:
Dr. Pap Norbert
chair Dr. Reményi Péter
chief organizer
Категория: Conference | Просмотров: 570 | Добавил: VahagnSargsyan | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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