Main » 2016 » September » 12 » Conf. "Art in the Periphery", Lisbon

Conf. "Art in the Periphery", Lisbon

Lisbon, October 1, 2016 - May 31, 2017
Deadline: Sep 25, 2016

The 'art in the periphery' research network will resume its activities
for the academic year 2016/2017, inviting submissions for its yearly
workshop (October-May), with meetings scheduled to take place at the
beginning of each month. Each hour-and-a-half session, held at the
Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas (Universidade Nova de Lisboa),
will feature a 45 min presentation, followed by a debate.

The October seminar will be delivered by Nuno Senos, the newly
appointed assistant professor of early modern art history at the
Department of Art History (FCSH/NOVA). His talk is entitled "Local
Dynamics in a Global Context: Franciscans in Colonial Brazil". The
November seminar will continue with a focus on Brazil. Arthur Valle,
who teaches art history at the Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de
Janeiro, will discuss "Afro-Brazilian Art and Material Culture:
Persecution, Incarceration, Iconoclasm".

The network is interested in framing the periphery not in exclusively
geographical terms (as a region distinct from the center), but rather
as situated at the margins of dominant discourses, art historical or
otherwise. As such, it may refer to areas, periods or even materials
that have been delegated a secondary position in hierarchical and
canonical structures. Contributions that discuss the non-linearity of
cultural phenomena and of historical time, the temporal dimensions of
the periphery, and propose a radical rethinking of the term will be
particularly welcome.

The workshop therefore invites submissions for the remainder of the
academic year (sessions of December 5th, February 2nd, March 6th, April
3rd and May 8th). Proposals (appr. 500 words), together with a short
CV, should be sent to until September 25.

Foteini Vlachou
Postdoctoral fellow, Instituto de História Contemporânea, FCSH-UNL
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